Our first newsletter of the year has just gone out, including the launch of our new commissioned newsletter made by poet, artist and card reader Daniella Valz Gen. Titled ‘On migration, kinship and (be)longings: Three meditations with cards‘ the new commission is made in collaboration with facilitator and somatic practitioner Meenadchi.
Read the full newsletter here.
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Daniella Valz Gen is a poet, artist and card reader, born in Lima, Peru and based in London. Their work explores the interstices between languages, cultures and value systems with an emphasis on embodiment and ritual, through the mediums of performance, installation, conversation and text.
Valz Gen is the author of the poetry collection Subversive Economies (PSS 2018). Their prose has been published in various art and literary journals such as Lish, SALT. Magazine, Paperwork Magazine and The Happy Hypocrite amongst others. They’re currently developing the next stage of their project (be)longing, a series of immersive elemental rituals.
Valz Gen has been focusing the last two years on integrating their oracular practice with their art and poetry. They run monthly gatherings exploring poetics in relation to the symbolism of Tarot cards within the container of Sacred Song Tarot.
Meenadchi (pronouns: Meenadchi/they) is a facilitator and somatic practitioner whose work centers the softness of meeting our best self and deepening into our collective light. Using a blend of family constellation therapy and Non-Violent Communication, Meenadchi weaves group containers in which participants are invited to recognize and heal the entanglements of bad communication and ancestral trauma so that we can collaboratively become a set of bad-ass ancestors who nurture legacies of connection and joy – both for ourselves and the communities we love to serve. traumainformednvc.com
This commission is a part of the performingborders 2022 programme, supported by Arts Council England and Necessity Fund.
Image Credits: Courtesy Daniella Valz Gen