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performingborders e-Journal #3 – Entangled Practices: Embodying cross-border live art

27th September 2024

It is good to see you here, friend, joining us once again; or maybe you’re new around here. Either way, welcome to Entangled Practices: Embodying cross-border Live Art

Our third e-journal gathers practitioners making visible the many ways we are connected and dependent on each other, our freedom held in each other’s hands.

In the e-journal, an expanded horizon of shared methodologies comes into view – rooted in territories, struggles and ecologies where the dynamics of resistance, collaboration, and organising offer new possibilities for creative practice. In these digital pages, we hope that a dialogue can unfold between practices that challenge dominant narratives and envision new forms of solidarity and survival. 

We have invited artists Fehras Publishing Practices, Moviendo Territorios, Tania Ostojić, setareh fatehi, Rodolfo R. Suárez Molnar and Giulia Palladini to reflect on their work through the lenses of the ethics and strategies of meaningful collaborative practices across territories.

Our dear friend and long-term collaborator, Diana Damian Martin has collaborated with editorial support and a foreword to contextualise the contributions within her rich frame of references and practice-based research.

We hope this edition will offer both the readers and contributors ways to connect and keep expanding the routes in which live art practices can reframe what it means to work in, against, and across borders.

Experience the full e-Journal through the link below:

performingborders e-Journal #3 Entangled Practices: Embodying cross-border live art

Edited & taken care of by:
Alessandra Cianetti, Xavier de Sousa, and Anahí Saravia Herrera, with support from Diana Damian Martin. 

Website and Design by:
Design Print Bind
with additional support from NewNuevo

Audio Descriptions by: 
Michael Skellern

Thank you to the Necessity Fund, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, and to Arts Council England for supporting this work.

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