Elena Marchevska is an interdisciplinary artist and researcher, writing extensively on the issues of belonging, the border and intergenerational trauma. Her artistic work explores borders and stories that emerge from living in transition. She is an Associate Professor of Performance studies at London South Bank University. elenamarcevska.com | Twitter: @elenam
Jade Montserrat is an artist based in Whitby, England. She was the recipient of the Stuart Hall Foundation Scholarship supporting her PhD (via MPhil) at IBAR, UCLan, and the development of her work from her Black diasporic perspective in the North of England. Jade works through performance, drawing, painting, film, installation, sculpture, print and text. Jademontserrat.com
Jemima Yong is a performance maker and photographer. She is also a communications practitioner previously working at the Barbican Centre where she supported press campaigns for the public programme, managed the staff newsletter feature Artist at the Arts Centre and participated in anti-racist organising. jemimayong.format.com | Twitter:@jemimayong | Instagram:@jemimayong
Manuel Vason is a transdisciplinary artist interested to explore the correspondence between the art of photographing and the art of performing. Vason believes the tension between the action and the image is a critical space of imaginative expansion. Manuelvason.com
Sagar Shah has worked in comms for 15 years – as a co-ordinator, as an officer, as a freelancer, as an assistant, as an intern, as a manager and as a human being.
Syowia Kyambi is an interdisciplinary artist and curator whose media spans across photography, video, drawing, sound, sculpture and performance installation. She holds an MFA from Transart Institute (2020) and a BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (2002). Syowia is based in Nairobi and of Kenyan/German origin. syowiakyambi.com | untethered-magic.com
Tara Fatehi Irani is a performer, artist, writer and educator. She has performed at the Royal Academy of Arts, SPILL Festival, Nuffield Theatre, Battersea Arts Centre, and in houses, basements, streets, parks, and a gym amongst others. The book of her yearlong daily series of 365 performances Mishandled Archive is published by LADA (2020). tarafatehi.com |Instagram: @tarafteh | Twitter: @TaraFatehiIrani
Vijay Mathew is the Co-founder and Cultural Strategist of HowlRound Theatre Commons based at Emerson College in Boston, USA. When using internet technologies, he is passionate about the intersections of accessibility, inclusion, the climate emergency, social change, and a post-carbon future. All of his work in these areas has been informed by a “commons” philosophy and social-justice values. Howlround.com | Twitter:@howlround | Instagram: @howlround
performing borders e-journal issue #1:
fragments for borderless futures
Published on: October 14 2021
Edited & taken care of by: Alessandra Cianetti, Xavier de Sousa, and Anahi Saravia Herrera.
Designed by: New Nuevo
Thank you to our friends at the Necessity Fund and to Arts Council England for supporting this work.