In spring I have been invited by the Live Art Development Agency to conceive and devise a Study Room Guide on the relations between Live Art and borders: Performing Borders: A Study Room Guide on physical and conceptual borders within Live Art.
It has been a pleasure to go through the rich range of free and open resources LADA provides to artists, students, curators, academics and other arts professionals and many thanks to its staff for inviting me to deepen performingborders’ research.
The Guide includes: a theoretical introduction on the relation between Live Art and social sciences’ border theories; a focus on how practitioners are responding to current European border landscapes through a series of interviews; and a list of resources on the theoretical notion of border, Live Art, and Europe available in LADA’s Study Room.
Performing Borders: A Study Room Guide on physical and conceptual borders within Live Art can be downloaded as a pdf or viewed in person in the LADA Study Room.
From LADA’s website: Study Room Guides aim to help navigate users through LADA’s Study Room, a free, open access research facility used by artists, students, curators, academics and other arts professionals. The idea is to enable Study Room users to experience the materials in a new way and highlight materials that they may not have otherwise come across.