New Apparitions | Rosa-Johan Uddoh

This work is part of a series of co-commissions by performingborders and the project performance, possession + automation.

New Apparitions is Rosa-Johan Uddoh’s blog documenting a re-enchantment with the world through afro-diasporic spiritual practice, textual, and visual apparitions. For this commission, Rosa was moved to recommence a pilgrimage she started when she was 19. The photos and writing are the documentation and reflection on her journey.

Rosa says: For me, this commission is just the start of a much larger spiritual and artistic project. These are my personal reflections as I find my way into being re-enchanted by the world, through an engagement with African spirituality, guided by ‘she who whispers’. I would love any feedback on what you see here and would love to hear from anyone with similar experience and interest.

Rosa-Johan Uddoh is an interdisciplinary artist working towards radical self-love, inspired by Black feminist practice and writing. Through performance, writing, film, and multimedia installation, she explores the effects of specific places, objects, and characters in popular culture, on self-formation. Her first book, Practice Makes Perfect, was published by Book Works and Focal Point Gallery in 2022.

This work is commissioned by performingborders and performance, possession + automation. Supported by Arts Council England, Arts and Humanities Research Council, and Necessity Fund.

Main image credits: My first apparition: the prayer card of Ochun or the Virgin of Charity of Cobre, given me by Edelmira, sitting in the palm of my hand. Photo by Rosa-Johan Uddoh (2024).

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