This writing was created for perfromingborders’ 2022 e-journal: Rallying the Commons
Sheila Ghelani reflects tenderly on the lack of care in our sector, and how this intersects with personal care responsibilities and our collective ability to create art in conditions of care-lessness.
Read the full text HERE.
Image credit: Screenshot from To Sum it Up, made in 2009 for the Live Art Development Agency’s DVD Everything You Still Wanted to Know About Live Art But were Afraid to Ask.
Sheila Ghelaniis an artist of Indian/English mixed heritage, whose solo and collaborative performances, social art works, installations, texts and videos seek to illuminate and make visible the connections between identity, ecology, science, history and the present day.
Since 1995 her attentive, detailed and care ‘full’ practice has been cross-pollinating ideas, materials, people and places in order to un-settle dominant narratives and make space for those that are (or that which is) in-between, on the edge, in the middle, at the border.
Originally trained in contemporary dance, Sheila is interested in the relationship between art and science with particular focus on care and hybridity. She is an artist who champions making work for the passer-by. She is also part of Land Body Ecologies the fourth collaborative residency group in Wellcome Collection’s Hub since 2014.